
Re-imaging the art of university songs

Inspire creates university songs.,traditions.,fundraising revenues.,memories.

For all intents and purposes, there are only four things in the world that have permission to have their own ‘songs.’

Religions.  Sports teams.  Countries.  Schools.

Inspire knows more about #4 than anyone in the world.

The extraordinary, emotional, thrilling, multi-dimensional art of university music.

Because there’s absolutely nothing, nothing like it.

Picture game-day at Notre Dame’s football stadium with 85,000+ die-hard, multi-generational fans.  The marching band roars on the field triumphantly blasting “Cheer, Cheer for Old Notre Dame.”  Every person in the stadium stands and belts out the words – bleeding as they sing a song that lives in the deepest place in their soul.

That’s university music.

A cash-cow for fundraising.  Profoundly impacts school spirit and culture.  Defines the heart of a university.

Yet, astoundingly, so many universities are missing this amazing opportunity.

Many smaller universities and colleges don’t have fight songs or alma maters.  For many schools, they have alma maters or fight songs that its students and alumni can’t even sing.  They’re not in the cultural literacy of the schools.

That’s where we come in.

It all comes down to three things that make an impactful music program.

  • Great songs.
  • Great recordings.
  • Great touchpoints.

We know, better than anyone, how to over-deliver on all three.

Let’s make your university sing.

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We make universities sing.

National Headquarters

15500 West Sunset Boulevard, Suite 103
Pacific Palisades, California 90272

[email protected]

